+41 (0)31 378 01 01
Mon-Fri 09.00–12.00 & 13.00–17.00 (CET)

City Trip Brig

The town of Brig with its historic old quarter and the Stockalper Palace lies in the sunny Upper Valais at the foot of the Simplon Pass. Situated at an important junction, Brig is an ideal starting point for excursions. It is close to hiking and ski regions on the Lötschberg and Simplon, and in the Aletsch. It also has its own thermal baths, making it an attractive holiday resort.

Brig – Hotels and Accommodations

Hotel Ambassador
Brig | Brig - Switzerland
Hotel Ambassador

1 night per person in a double room incl. breakfast

from CHF 92.–

Brig – Our personally audited hotels and accommodations in

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